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Research into the best treatment for TAPS

It is unclear what is the best treatment option for TAPS. To answer this question, the Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands) has started a medical study (The TAPS Trial), that will be carried out in several renowned fetal therapy centers across the world. For this study, patient participation is needed. If you are diagnosed with TAPS stage 2 or higher and you are between 20 and 28 weeks of gestation, you will be asked to participate.

If you consent to participate, the treatment you will receive will be determined by drawing lots. Half of the women participating in this study will receive laser treatment, the other half will have the standard treatment. The standard treatment will consist of (a combination of) expectant management, IUT (with PET) and premature delivery. No additional blood tests or hospital visits will be planned as part of the study. All the hospital visits are part of the standard care for twins with TAPS.

Laser treatment

treatment allocation

Standard treatment

In the study, the following outcomes will be investigated: the gestational age at which the twin is born, prematurity related problems (e.g. breathing problems), procedure related complications (e.g. fever or rupture of membranes) and hematological problems (e.g. need of transfusions) In addition, long-term outcome will be assessed when your children are 2 years old.

Gestational age at birth


Prematurity-related problems

Transfusie icon.png

Hematological problems

Gele druppel_achtergrond.png

Procedure-related problems 

Long-term development

Geboortehuis Leiden.jpg
NICU logo fel paars.png

©2019 The TAPS Trial -  This website is an initiative of the Department of Obstetrics and Neonatology of the Leiden University Medical Center in collaboration with several European fetal therapy centers and serves as informative support for parents (expecting) twins with twin anemia polycythemia sequence (TAPS) and for patients and healthcare providers involved in The TAPS Trial. Images on this website are protected by copyright.



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